Sunday, October 5, 2014

Once again from the Desk
of Bernard Broono

   I haven't posted anything in a great awhile. I'm sure quite a lot of you know what it's like to have life to take on it's own momentum and things like blogging and creating get shoved on a back shelf. It is time for me to catch up though. So very much has been happening.
   Kwai and I have added a new member to our family. Please meet the completely wonderful Piper Hanriot. The three of us are rapidly getting very fond of each other. Our only difficulty is that dear Piper is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean; seven time zones away in the United Kingdom.
  I'm a bit philosophical about this distance issue. Distance is a barrier, not an obstacle. It has been my experience that where there is a will, there is also a way. I have faith in myself and as long as my ladies have faith in me then nothing can really stand between us.
   Real life is also bringing new adventures and new hopes for the future. Kwai and I are both within a short few months of retirement from our Real Life professions. This will open a whole new chapter in our lives with new challenges to meet. I believe in a sort of destiny though; that this next new phase in life will bring with it new hopes and new discoveries.
Kwai on top of the World
  With a bit of luck I'll stay on top of this blog for the coming future. Who knows what stories we will have to tell...


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